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The Wendwood Wahoos are a small but mighty team. We work hard, learn proper swim techniques, cheer on our teammates, and have FUN!

Swimmer / Family Handbook

The Swim Team Committee has developed a Swimmer / Family Handbook to help our swimmers and their families understand the team’s goals and what is expected from everyone. Please review the handbook and ask a Committee member if you have any questions.

What will the 2023 swim season look like?

As the back-to-back Blue Division Champions for 2021 and 2022, we have moved into the White Division for 2023. This is an exciting opportunity to swim against new pools. The 2023 GPSA season will include a swim clinic, six swim meets for the White Division, 8&U Mini Meet, and City Meet. Be sure to check out the Calendar page for more details. Our swimmers will practice several days a week, learn and fine-tune the different swim strokes, burn energy, and have fun! We will do as much as possible, get creative if necessary, and we’re sure Dairy Queen will be involved!

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Home of the Wendwood Wahoos

320 Dominion Drive, Newport News, VA, USA Directions 37.1029072 -76.5057475 Map of 320 Dominion Drive, Newport News, VA, USA
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Member of the Greater Peninsula Swimming Association (GPSA)

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